Friday, September 22, 2006


I am currently in Connecticut at my parents' house (for my father's birthday; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD!) with my sister and her fiance boyfriend Daniel Pilger. Tonight, we collaborated on my comic. By "collaborated", I mean he drew one of his world famous comics that cracked me up (as they usually do), and then I adapted it (by his request and with his blessing), in a more "Ethan-istic" style, for my own daily here. So, I present to you first Daniel's comic (including a bonus comic he drew on the same page above it), and then my own take on it, done in a similar method (the Sharpie®-marker-straight-to-paper method) with, again, an "Ethan-esque" flare.

Also, I have no access to a scanner here, so the images below were taken with my digital camera and uploaded, until I get back to Philly and can replace them with proper scanned ones. Until then, click on the images to view them unintelligibly larger, and enjoy the melding of two great minds/marker skills...

Exhibit A:

(For some reason, when I upload this image here on my Blogger page, it loads sideways and I can't seem to remedy the problem no matter what I do. (It works fine on my xanga page...) Anyway, to view the image, click here)

Exhibit B:

To view an earlier comic that Daniel wrote and I illustrated, click here.

Have a great day, and check back on Monday for a new comic and maybe some other stuff.

Thank you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty funny, boys.

11:43 AM, September 24, 2006  

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